We are thrilled to announce that we are partnering with the ever-so-talented photographer and New York Times Bestseller Jamie Beck for our February Box!
This Box will be filled with luxurious gifts that we have curated with Jamie to celebrate the release of her new book, An American in Provence.
In 2016, the American photographer Jamie Beck left New York to live in Provence for a few months. 6 years on, she is still there… and has no plans to leave. During the pandemic lockdowns, Jamie launched her now-famous, “Isolation Creation Series,” where she challenged herself to produce a piece of photographic art every day for 60 days. It was not long before her stunning images captured the attention of Instagram.
In her first book (now a New York Times Bestseller), American in Provence, she focuses on her artistic journey and adaptation to a new, foreign culture. She hopes that readers will consider adopting a slower life after reading: wanting less, needing less, and living gratefully with what they have.
If you enjoy the art of slow living and the romantic French universe beautifully represented through the eyes of Jamie Beck, then you are sure to love our February Box!
We are also very happy to announce that Jamie will be our resident artist this year! Each month, you will receive a print of an original photo Jamie created just for our Box receivers.
To reserve your Box or gift to a friend, click HERE
Written by Sarah Nusz