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Une Olive en Provence



Une Olive en Provence is a natural beauty line, based in the south of France, using only the finest ingredients… primarily olives.

In the land of olives, also known as Alpilles, the son of an olive oil master, and his young wife set off on an adventure to create a new kind of beauty line. Together, they created a range of innovative cosmetic products inspired and formulated with the olive.

To move beyond the renowned recipe of the famous Marseille soap, they crafted the idea to bring innovative techniques to an ancient product of Provence – the olive.

They explored all the different properties of the olive tree, working with its pleasant texture, delicate fragrance and the properties of its skin.

What resulted, was a moisturizing, soothing, softening, regenerating and tonifying line of skincare products, designed by the couple.

Since the line’s inception, the brand has taken off with a public that is increasingly passionate about clean products. If you can’t eat it, it shouldn’t be on your skin, the  tagline goes. And these products fit the bill.

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