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some very special clients and their unboxing

We love nothing more than the stories and details we receive from our clients about opening their boxes, and discovering the surprises inside. One particular story landed in our inbox recently that we just had to share !

Linda Cobb is a client of ours, and we love that she emailed us recently to tell us about her experience with the February box. Here is her story, in her words:

“Last November, when the box came, the fragrance blew me away… forced me to stop plundering into my box, take a deep breath and appreciate it. In other words, it slowed me down… I shared it with my sister on FaceTime, and the next time I purchased a box for me, I also purchased one for my sister.”
The sisters looked forward to the February box arrival. It was something they could do together, even though they were living in different states. When the box arrived in February, Linda was away on vacation and so she made her sister promise to wait for her so they could open their boxes together on FaceTime. Finally the moment came.
“We both got our boxes and went crazy for them. We each took a moment to breathe in the fragrance (IT IS SPECTACULAR). We were ecstatic and 14 years old again…  I have taken some snap shots of us opening our boxes at the same time thru FaceTime as she lives in Virginia and I live in South Carolina.  We opened one gift every day around 10am together.”
“We LOVE LOVE LOVE this French box.  We ate one tiny pack of the four cookies after we opened it. And we certainly enjoyed it.  Then we wrapped the box back up until we open it the next day.  We are opening one gift each day so we can stretch it out.  Today we opened the perfume.  We loved THAT!!!  then we put some of the perfume on the tissue so that when we open the box each day for the rest of the time, we will get that fabulous fragrance!!!”
This is Linda Cobb in South Carolina :
 And this is her sister Kristina Hoyer in Virginia:

We just feel so lucky to have clients that are enjoying My Stylish French Box in this way, and connecting more deeply to each other through the gifting and un-boxing process. A big thank you to Linda and Kristina, for giving us a glimpse into your experience. We felt like we were on FaceTime right there with you !

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