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cire trudon

Cire Trudon is the candle making house that has become a staple of French luxury. How did one brand catch the imagination of a worldwide audience with a love for French scents and design? The answer might surprise you…

Over 300 years ago, a young Frenchman named Claude Trudon bought a storefront on Rue Saint-Honore, where he sold groceries and candles. Initially the candles were sold primarily to parishes and homes, but being that it was the mid 1600’s and the reign of Louis the 14th, Claude had the sense (and perhaps the nose) to create something bigger.

Claude went on to set up a candle manufacturing operation using the cleanest beeswax available. With a new technique, the wax was harvested from the bee hives before being filtered, washed and exposed to sunlight, producing the whitest wax and candles that anyone had seen. The candlemaker adopted his famous motto in this era, “Deo regique laborant”, meaning “They work for God and the King.” The they he uses, refers to his bees.

bee hives in garden

Well, this method and perhaps the motto, did catch the King’s attention. Louis the 15th and his court were seduced by the candles and its genius maker. The court parishes adopted the candles not only for the color, but because they burned for longer and didn’t sputter wax. Elegance was born.

Trudon’s descendents have gone on to continue the candle business, and been included in many historical manuscripts about “candling” and the art of the candle, including encyclopedias of reason and science. They are truly and expert and historical reference for this ancient craft. The Trudon’s even managed to supply Versailles with candles up until the French Revolution. They went on to provide candles for Napoleon’s imperial court and grace the homes of the most elite French families.

Fast forward to 2007 and Cire Trudon the brand opened their first boutique on Paris left bank in the Saint-Germain-des-Pres neighborhood, near the church of Saint Sulpice. Since then, Cire Trudon has opened stores on the right bank, within the famous Bon Marche, in London and New York.

The boutiques are gorgeous candle universes unto themselves, befitting of royalty.

We are proud to partner with Cire Trudon for My Stylish French Box because they truly embody the iconic French brand, and one of the surest ways to bring a bit of history and exquisite scents into your home.

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