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létol scarves are both chic and sustainable

may 2019 blue and white box- MY STYLISH FRENCH BOX

One of our most popular items in the May Blue & White box was the scarf from Létol, and we understand why it has been so loved. It’s beautiful, high quality, and chic! But there is more to this lovely brand than meets the eye.

Létol scarves: chic and sustainable accessories- MY STYLISH FRENCH BOX

Létol was created in the town of Charlieu, in the Loire Valley, about an hour and a half’s drive from Lyon. This area has long been known for its textile mills. In 2009, the organisation that oversees all the textile production in the area created a label called ALTERTEX, a network of French and other European companies united under a common goal: creating ethical and ecologically friendly textiles.

Létol’s creator, Sophie, took on this challenge of making beautiful, interesting pieces out of organic cotton. She chose to weave the cotton into jacquard rather than printing the intricate designs, which not only give the fabric more depth, but allow the scarves to be reversible as well. To give even more life to these creations, each scarf model has a first name!

Létol scarves: chic and sustainable accessories- MY STYLISH FRENCH BOX
The Antoinette model was included in our May 2019 box

The brand produces two collections a year, one for spring/summer and the other for autumn/winter. The collections are based on a location, a motif, an idea- whatever strikes the right chord of inspiration! There’s truly something for everyone in their creations, as they now have over 300 models, both for men and women.

Létol scarves: chic and sustainable accessories- MY STYLISH FRENCH BOX

It’s always such a pleasure to find a brand that is not only Made in France, but made with such care for their craft and for the environment. If you’d like to find where to purchase a Létol scarf, you can find the list of their resellers here.

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