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my golden french key: degrenne

degrenne featured photo

For the fourth and final edition of My Golden French Key- we are honored to be partnering with the iconic French brand, Degrenne.

As you all may remember, there will be a Golden Key placed in one of our many Boxes that are shipped around the world. Each quarter, one lucky winner unlocks a luxurious prize from one of our favorite French brands.

For this last edition of the year, Degrenne is graciously offering one of their Salam 6 cup teapots! But before we tell you more about this glamorous prize- here is a little backstory:

degrenne teapot

The Degrenne House was founded in 1948 by a passionate goldsmith, Guy Degrenne. His vision was to rethink les Arts de le Table and in doing so- he created a household brand that uses techniques that have been passed down for generations.

Their savoir-faire has even earned them the label of an Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (EPV). This is a mark of recognition given by the French State to reward French businesses for the excellence of their traditional and industrial know-how.

With Degrenne, you will find something for every occasion. From unique kitchen and tableware items to glassware and linens- you are sure to find quality items that will help make each moment in life memorable.

salam teapot

The winner of this Golden Key will receive a Salam 6 cup teapot in white with a zinc cover as in the photo. A retail value of over $130USD!

Made sure to RESERVE your November Box today for your chance at finding My French Golden Key with Degrenne!

Good luck to everyone!

Our last Key was found by Jennifer S in Texas, USA! Winning a gorgeous necklace and earrings set from Gisel B.


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