We were very happy when we came across Claire Lise and her beautiful creations in porcelain. She lives and works from her home in Normandy, and enjoys the luxury of having a working studio within her property.
Claire Lise is self taught. Her father was an artist before her and she grew up in a naturally creative atmosphere.
Fascinated by branches and shapes that she sees around her in nature, Claire Lise created our ring cup, as if it were half an egg shell balanced on a branch. Each branch is moulded, and the resulting shape is engraved by hand to give the impression of bark, and make each piece unique. Claire Lise left the branch mat, but created an enamel finish for the egg shell in porcelain, in order to make it easier to keep clean.
It was a huge task to create the many ring cups required for the Stylish French Box in May ’18, but Claire Lise worked methodically and carefully and we were thrilled to have the beautiful porcelain pieces to include in our box.
It is part of our DNA at My Stylish French Box, to work with, and highlight artisan creators. We are very happy every time we come across a designer, sculptor or jewellery maker whose style would be a good fit for the box. It’s a privilege for us to be able to show case their work and to bring our clients a unique item, all the way from France.
Interested in receiving our August box? We still have a few left, so don’t forget to place your order!